The NIBTS exists to fully supply the needs of all hospitals and clinical units in the province with safe and effective blood and blood products and other related services. The discharge of this function includes a commitment to the care and welfare of our voluntary donors.
The Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service is an independent, Special Agency of the DHSSPS. It is responsible for the collection, testing and distribution of over 55,000 blood donations each year. The Service operates three mobile units at nearly 180 locations throughout the province. Including headquarters, located on the site of the Belfast City Hospital, a total of almost 800 donation sessions are held each year.
Why we use the pelican as our logo
The pelican has been the logo of the Blood Transfusion Services in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland since their establishment.
The tale of the mother pelican is an ancient legend that relates to the belief that it fed its young with blood drawn from its own breast.
This selfless act of generosity perfectly sums what the Blood Transfusion Service is all about, the act of self sacrifice for the benefit of others.