Infected Blood Inquiry

The Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service, NIBTS, wishes to unreservedly apologise for the terrible hurt and loss, as evidenced through the Infected Blood Inquiry, that past acts or omissions have caused.

We acknowledge the courage, fortitude, dignity and perseverance conveyed by the Infected and Affected through their heartfelt evidence and during the many years they have waited for this Inquiry.

It has been incredibly moving and humbling to hear and read the evidence of the Infected and Affected.

The NIBTS committed at the outset to do all that we could, with frankness and transparency, to assist the Infected Blood Inquiry in its search for truth and justice for all. This has been demonstrated by the unambiguous approach taken by the NIBTS in striving to ensure cooperation of the highest level with the Inquiry.

The NIBTS recognises that the value of an apology comes from not only the recognition of the hurt and pain suffered by the Infected and Affected, but the learning that is born out of those very events so that they are never repeated.

On that basis, the NIBTS wishes to address two significant aspects that demonstrate the advancements made in ensuring the safety and quality of its service.

Firstly, its engagement with the Inquiry making clear its commitment to this process, and, secondly, the regulatory environment within which the NIBTS exists.

Today, the NIBTS has one of the safest blood services in the world. We work closely with international partners to continually strive to provide the best service possible for both patients and donors.

Blood donation and transfusion will always carry an element of risk; however, we are confident that with the processes now in place – coupled with the Inquiry’s recommendations – that we and the public can maintain confidence that the events considered by this Inquiry could not happen again.

The NIBTS is a forward-looking organisation that is always seeking to learn and improve the service it provides. In that respect, the NIBTS will explore how we can adopt the Inquiry’s recommendations to deliver improved and enhanced care.

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