Equality and Disability

Equality and Disability Action Plan

The Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service has developed an Equality and Disability Action Plan 2018-23. The Equality Action Plan looks at actions we could take to tackle inequalities across all equality categories. The Disability Action Plan looks at things we could do to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and encourage their participation in our work areas.

Equality Scheme

The Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service (NIBTS) is required, under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, as a public authority, to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity in carrying out its functions between:

  • persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation;
  • men and women generally;
  • persons with a disability and persons without;
  • persons with dependants and persons without.

Moreover, the NIBTS is also required, in carrying out its functions to have due regard to the desirability of promoting good relations between persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

NIBTS is fully committed to embracing its equality obligations. The NIBTS will ensure that the necessary resources (in terms of people, time and money) are made available to ensure the effective promotion of equality of opportunity and good community relations in all its policies and practices.

Furthermore, NIBTS will commit itself to putting in place effective internal arrangements for the implementation of the Equality Scheme (the 'Scheme'). Finally a planned programme of communication and training has been undertaken to ensure that all staff are made aware and understand the new equality obligations.

NIBTS is willing to respond positively to any requests for clarification on specific policies and procedures. Screenings for NIBTS policies can be located at Equality and Human Rights Screening (hscni.net) https://bso.hscni.net/directorates/people-and-place/655-2/equality-and-human-rights-screening/equality-screening/

Should you have any further comments or queries regarding the Scheme, please contact as below:

Gladys McKibbin
Human Resources & Corporate Services Manager
Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service
Lisburn Road, Belfast,

Tel: 028 9053 4686
Fax: 028 9043 9017